Appearance Release Form

Appearance Release Form

Standard release for a space, which indicates that those entering the premises consent to be filmed/recorded.

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I, {Name}, understand that {production company} is using these premises to {shoot, record, film, etc.} a {movie, television show, documentary, etc.}.

As such, I grant {production company} the right to record my image, likeness, voice, etc. for the purposes of this production.

Producers may edit any material recorded in any way they see fit.

Producers may also use any of the material in any marketing and/or publicity campaigns, or in any other method that is associated with the production, but that they are not in any way required to use any of it if it does not work for their purposes.

I understand that I will not be compensated in any way for the recording and/or use of my image, likeness, voice, etc.




Address (continued)

Phone Number

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