Coffee Shop Items Inventory Card
This free, printable inventory card is great for coffee shops and cafes. Items such as stirrers, glasses, napkins, lips, hot chocolate, cappuccino makers and syrups can be categorized by unit, color, type, purchase date and supplier.
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Coffee Shop
Fields: Item, Units, Color, Type, Purchase Date, Supplier, Coffee Bags, Coffee To-Go Containers, Coffee Jackets, Coffee Stirrers, Cup Carrier Trays, Straw Organizers, Glasses, Cup Lid Organizer, Cups, Napkins, Cappuccino Mixers, Hot Chocolate Mixers, Coffee, Cream Whipper, Flavoring Syrups, Tea Bags, Tea Latte Concentrate, Cappuccino/Espresso Machines, Coffee Grinder, Coffee Brewing Machine, Trays, Sugar, Sweeteners, Coffee/Tea Mugs, Blenders, Toaster, Commercial Microwave, Beverage Dispenser, Iced Coffee Dispenser, Refrigerated Beverage Containers, Chairs, Tables, Stools, Plastic Flatware, Containers