Move In Letter

Move In Letter

This letter can be sent by a landlord or property manager to a residential or commercial tenant. Its use is two-fold, welcoming the renter to the property and reminding them of rent deadlines, maintenance procedures, and so on.

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Dear {Tenant},

Welcome to {property name/address}. I hope that your move went well and that you are settling in comfortably.

As a reminder, rent in the amount of {amount} is due {when}. You can mail payments to {address}, drop them off at {location}, or remit electronically via {method}.

Please notify me in writing of any maintenance requests as soon as possible so that we can get you on the schedule. Also, I highly recommend securing a rental insurance policy.

I hope you enjoy your new {home/commercial rental}. Please let me know of any changes to your contact information at your earliest convenience.



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