Response to An Unsolicited Idea

Response to An Unsolicited Idea

Send this form letter to someone who has submitted an unsolicited idea to your company, informing him/her what the next step will be.

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To: {Name}
      {City, State, Zip}

Dear {Recipient},

Thank you for your submission to {name of company}.

We receive many submissions each year, and though it is possible your idea might be considered, we first need you to acknowledge the following:

1. Any samples you send to us will be returned to you only if the return postage is prepaid.

2. We will make our best efforts to keep your material confidential, but we will not be responsible for holding it in confidence.

3. We will not be responsible for any loss or damages while the material is in our possession.

4. We will not own any rights to the materials already submitted, unless said rights are agreed upon in a separate document.

5. You will only receive compensation from us if we a) have received the idea from no other parties, b) reach an agreement with you, and c) officially accept the submitted idea.

If you accept these terms, please sign this document and return it as soon as possible.



______________________________________                 ______________________________________
Printed Name                                                                       Signature

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