Sleepover Checklist

Sleepover Checklist

This printable sleepover checklist ensures that a child has brought the correct clothing, toiletries, and sleeping gear.

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Sleepover Checklist

Fields: clothing, pajamas, slippers, underwear, socks, shirt, pants, jacket, swimsuit, flip-flops, bag for clothing, toiletries, washcloth, facial cleanser/body wash, soap, shampoo/conditioner, towel, toothbrush, toothpaste, floss, hairbrush/comb, deodorant, pads/tampons, jewelry/watch, cosmetics, glasses/case/cleaner, medication, sleeping materials, sleeping bag, sleeping pad, pillow, blankets/sheets, for fun, money, camera, movies to watch, mp3 player, cellphone, board games, video games, magazines, nail polish/manicure kit, facial kit, snacks for all

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