Tax Records
Use this printable business form to track your tax information. Includes fields to capture income and capital gains from various sources, as well as rental property expenses.
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Tax Records
Fields: name, soc sec no, tax year, prepared on, income and dependents, dividend income, interest income, rental property income, payer details, ordinary dividends, qualified dividends, capital gains dividends, banks, CDs, government interest, bond interest, property details, gross income, expenses, amount, advertising, association dues, bookkeeping, insurance, legal, travel, taxes, other income details, type of income, repair and maintenance costs, gains & losses from sale of property, description, if inherited, date acquired, date sold, sale price, cost, self employment, type of employment, income, dependents, birth date, if student, relationship, months in household, utilities costs, gas & electric, water, garbage, phone, cable TV