Tenant Repair Deductible

Tenant Repair Deductible

This sample letter from a tenant to a landlord lists repairs made that can be deducted from the cost of rent.

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To: {Name}
       {City, State, Zip}

Dear {Recipient},

As per our agreement, we the tenants at {property address} have made the following repairs to the property in lieu of requesting management intervention or a third-party repair team:


The following materials were used to complete the necessary repairs:

{Material} {Cost}
{Material} {Cost}
{Material} {Cost}
{Material} {Cost}
{Material} {Cost}

We are therefore requesting a {monetary amount} deduction from next month's rent. This would make our total rent amount for {month} {rental amount}. Please send us written approval at your earliest convenience.

Thank you,


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